
  首都医科大学附属南陵县中医医院耳鼻咽喉科始建于1971年,是全国最早设立中医耳鼻咽喉科的单位之一。经过几代人的不懈努力,学科建设取得了长足的发展,形成了中西医并重、内外治相结合的特色专科,发明了“清肝聪耳合剂”、“耳净散”和“止血粉”等多种院内制剂,临床使用广泛,吸引了全国各地的患者。在科主任王俊阁教授的带领下,专科已步入三级学科发展轨道,围绕耳鼻咽喉科疑难、重大疾病进行中西医结合治疗研究,将中医药的个体化治疗优势和现代医学的外科技术相结合,形成了国内最具“中西医结合”特色的耳鼻咽喉科专业,齐备的高精尖诊疗设备 + 三甲医院一流的手术技术  + 突出的中医特色。在防治鼻变态反应疾病、耳鸣耳聋眩晕、慢性咽喉疾病、头颈肿瘤、围手术期中医药辅助治疗等方面均达到国内先进水平。耳鼻咽喉科现在是院级重点学科,北京市中西医结合耳鼻咽喉专业委员会副主任委员单位。目前,耳鼻咽喉科DRG、CMI值均位列北京地区中医医院耳鼻咽喉专业第一名。

  1. 头颈肿瘤特色治疗门诊;
  2. 内耳病(耳聋、耳鸣、眩晕)特色门诊;
  3. 鼻病(过敏性鼻炎、鼻窦炎)特色门诊;
  4. 甲状腺结节热消融治疗门诊;
  5. 儿童鼾症(腺样体、扁桃体肥大)特色门诊;
  6. 咽喉疾病特色门诊;
  7. 面神经麻痹(面瘫)特色门诊;
  1. 中药内治(汤剂)
  2. 中药雾化、喷鼻、喷喉;
  3. 耳针,耳穴贴压;
  4. 针灸包括穴位针刺,穴位注射,穴位埋线,穴位贴敷,穴位灸法,火针等;
  5. 拔罐,走罐;
  6. 刮痧;
  7. 按摩治疗;
  8. 放血疗法。
  1. 头颈肿瘤手术前补气、术后扶正、放化疗期间减毒增效、康复期培元调神的特色治疗;
  2. 甲状腺结节热消融术后中药散结治疗;
  3. 面神经麻痹(面瘫)的矫治(神经肌肉瓣移植手术+针灸激活)。
  4. 耳聋、耳鸣、眩晕等内耳疾病的中医治疗;
  5. 变应性鼻炎的中西医综合治疗;
  6. 中药替代抗生素研究;
Otolaryngology department of Beijing TCM Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University
Otolaryngology department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, which was established in 1971, is one of the earliest traditional Chinese medicine otolaryngology departments in China. The discipline construction has achieved great development through unremitting efforts of several generations in the formation of emphasizing both western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine as well as integrating internal and external therapy. In-hospital preparations such as "Qinggan Conger mixture", "ear clean powder" and "hemostatic powder" have been invented and widely used in clinic, which attracted patients from all over the country. Now the department has entered the development track of third-class discipline under the leadership of professor Wang Junge, the Department Director. Integrative Chinese and western medicine thrapy researches on difficult and crtitical otolaryngology illness were carried out. Base on all complete and sophisticated equipments , first-class surgical skills of triple-A level hospital, outstanding Chinese medicine characteristics and combined superiority of individual treatment and modern surgical techniques, otolaryngology department features integrated Chinese and western medicines, which is the most characteristic in China. In the area of prevention and treatment of nasal allergy diseases, tinnitus, deafness, vertigo, chronic throat diseases, head-neck tumors and perioperative Chinese medicine therapy, the department has reached the domestic advanced level. The department is now a key discipline of hospital, and vice-chairman member unit of Beijing Otolaryngology in Integrative Medicine Specialized Committee. At present, the DRG and CMI values both rank first in otolaryngology departments of traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Beijing.
Research Projects
6 projects including National Natural Science Foundation project, Beijing Natural Science Foundation project, the Capital Health Development and Research Fund etc.
Specialty Clinic
First to implement registration according to third-class discipline in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region
since 2016. All patients will be devided into nose department, ear department, throat department, head-neck department or specialized clinics. Including:
  1. Specialty clinic for head-neck tumor.
  2. Specialty clinic for internal ear disease (deafness, tinnitus, vertigo).
  3. Specialty clinic for nose disease (allergic rhinitis, nasosinusitis).
  4. Specialty clinic for thyroid nodules thermal ablation.
  5. Specialty clinic for children with snoring (adenoid and tonsil hypertrophy).
  6. Specialty clinic for throat disease.
  7. Specialty clinic for facial nerve paralysis.
Commonly used traditional Chinese medicine therapy methods
  1. Oral (herbal medcine).
  2. Herbal atomization, nasal and throat spray.
  3. Ear acupuncture, auricular plaster.
  4. Acupuncture, acupoint injection, acupoint catgut embedding, acupoint application, moxibustion, fire needle acupuncture etc.
  5. Cupping.
  6. Gua sha.
  7. Massage therapy.
  8. Blood-letting therapy.
Research Direction
  1. Invigorating qi before head-neck tumor operations and strengthening the body resistance after. synergism and attenuation during chemoradiotherapy.
  2. Dissolving lumps using herbal after thyroid nodules thermal ablation.
  3. Facial nerve paralysis rectification (neuromuscular flap transplantation + acupuncture activation).
  4. TCM treatment of deafness, tinnitus, vertigo and other inner ear diseases.
  5. Integrative Chinese and western therapy for allergic rhinitis.
  6. Using traditional Chinese medicine instead of antibiotics during perioperative period of chronic nasosinusitis.

